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Secondary Development

About 1 min

Secondary Development

Before Getting Started

This tutorial provides Hexo development knowledge, code examples, and API call documentation related to ShokaX. Hence, before you begin, you should:

  • Write and execute a JavaScript/TypeScript script
  • Understand basic Node.js concepts (e.g., import and npm)
  • Configure an IDE environment according to your preferences
  • Have familiarity with using git and GitHub for basic operations

Some points to note while reading this document:

  • <type> represents a required value. Remove the angle brackets and replace them directly with the value, following TypeScript type standards.
  • [--depth=1] represents an optional value/parameter. You can omit the square brackets.

Clone Repository

I recommend using the fork feature for storing changes/raising PRs. Click the fork button in the top right corner of the repository, which will lead you to your forked repository. Then:

git clone <string> # Replace this with your fork's URL

Ensure you have the pnpm package manager installed, then:

pnpm install
pnpm run build

If build completes without errors, the repository is intact and ready for development.

Development Guidelines

Directory Structure

The directory structure of ShokaX (relevant for development purposes) is as follows:

|- .github # Storage for issue templates, CI workflows, etc.
|- languages # Storage location for internationalization files
|- layout # Template storage location
|- scripts # Storage for Hexo scripts
|- source # Frontend file location
|- test # Testing scripts
- package.json # npm package JSON
- tsconfig.json # TypeScript compilation configuration
- .eslintrc.cjs # ESLint configuration
- _config.yml # Hexo theme configuration file
- _images.yml # Image bed configuration file

Debugging Considerations

  1. Hexo doesn't automatically exclude TypeScript files. Hence, after building, manually remove *.ts files when copying to the themes folder. On Linux, you can use find . -type f -name "*.ts" -delete for bulk deletion.

Code Considerations

  1. source/js directory cannot use Hexo's helper functions and node libraries. The functions in scripts directory shouldn't use functions from source/js.
  2. Pay attention to the differences between ESM and CJS. For modules that exclusively support CJS, use the form import xxx = require('xxx'). Otherwise, the files won't generate correctly after TypeScript compilation.
  3. Minimize the use of @ts-ignore. Generally, it should only be used for legacy code and problematic type-related code, avoiding it otherwise.
  4. Document your code with comments, especially for peculiar code (e.g., magic numbers and complex regex). For regular expressions, provide an example for better understanding.