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Theme Configuration

About 6 min

Theme Configuration


Unless specified otherwise, the configurations below are modified in either /_config.shokax.yml or /_config.shokaX.yml files.

Basic Configuration

Static Resources

statics: "/" # Root directory for static files, can be used for CDN acceleration
assets: "assets" # Directory for image resources
css: "css" # Directory for CSS (not recommended to change)
js: "js" # Directory for JavaScript (not recommended to change)

Custom Website Images


Modifications for the following files are made within the preset material folder in /source/_data/, such as /source/_data/assets

Detailed Steps
  • Within the Hexo root directory /source folder;
  • Navigate to the /_data directory (create if absent);
  • Based on the custom image directory specified in /_config.shokax.yml or /_config.shokaX.yml (e.g., assets), create the corresponding directory within the _data folder.


Currently supports static file parsing for *.jpg, *.png, *.ico files only.

  • Different file names correspond to respective images.
    • avatar.jpg typically corresponds to the personal avatar on the homepage, editable
    • favicon.ico website icon
    • apple-touch-icon.png icon when adding the webpage link to the home screen
    • failure.ico website icon when hidden
    • alipay.png Alipay donation QR code
    • wechatpay.png WeChat donation QR code
    • paypal.png PayPal donation QR code
    • search.png image displayed under search


The iconfont is utilized for displaying small icons in various interface elements, including navigation bars, social link buttons, sidebar icons, music players, and beyond.


  1. shokaX uses the iconfont project for the original shoka clone, adding a few custom icons.
  2. Iconfont uses Alibaba Cloud CDN, which may not be accessible in some regions outside China.

If you want to customize the small icons in the navbar, social links, sidebar, music player, and so on, please follow the steps below:

1. Accept the Invitation of the Iconfont Project

Click here to accept the invitationopen in new window


This invitation link is theoretically valid for a long time, please raise an issue if it expires.

2. Enter the Project

To add icons to your project, follow these steps:

  • Go to the batch operation section.
  • Select all items you wish to add.
  • Click 'Add to Cart' to batch add the selected items.
  • Open your cart, review your items, and then click 'Add to Project'.
  • Click on the icon to create a new project, enter a name for your project, and click 'OK' to save.

3. Enter Project Settings

In settings, change 'FontClass/Symbol Prefix' from the default 'icon-' to 'i-'; change 'Font Family' to 'ic'; and ensure the formats WOFF2, WOFF, TTF, EOT, and SVG are all selected; then save.

4. Generate Code

Click "No code, click here to generate". The following link will appear:


Extract the string "4415496_59g1326wajd" and update the 'iconfont' entry in your configuration file with the new code:

# // => 4415496_59g1326wajd
iconfont: "4415496_59g1326wajd"

5. Customize Iconfont Icons

You can now add new icons to your project or modify existing ones. Avoid deleting icons if not necessary, as it may affect rendering.

6. Modify the _iconfont.styl File

Open the file /node_modules/hexo-theme-shokax/source/css/_iconfont.styl for editing.


To facilitate operations, it is recommended to create a symbolic link to the theme folder.

Windows CMDmklink /J .\themes\shokax .\node_modules\hexo-theme-shokax
Linux Bashln -s ./themes/shokax ./node_modules/hexo-theme-shokax

At this point, the path to _iconfont.styl would be /themes/shokax/source/css/_iconfont.styl.

Access the link (replace it with your own) // in your browser.

Select and copy the code corresponding to the '.i-' prefix for the icon you've added and paste it at the end of the _iconfont.styl file.

For example:

.i-gitee:before {
  content: "\e607";

7. Implement in Your Configuration

For example, to add the Gitee icon to your site's social media links, you would configure it like so:

# Add your social media link
  gitee: || gitee || "#e60026"
  home: / || home
    default: /page/ || user
    link: /page1/ || cloud
  link2: /page2/ || coffee

The configuration here consists of:

  1. Independent navigation links (e.g., home and link2)
    • home (link2) as the localized key (see localization) and alternative name;
    • / (/page2/) as the hyperlink address, can be an external link (must include https);
    • || separator, separating the link and icon;
    • home (user) icon, detailed in _iconfont.styl.
  2. Dropdown menu (e.g., submenu)
    • default is the content displayed in the dropdown box, not recommended to place hyperlink addresses here (suggested to set as /);
    • The remaining part consists of n unique independent navigation links.
  github: || github || "#191717"
  # google: || google
  # twitter: || twitter || "#00aff0"
  # zhihu: || zhihu || "#1e88e5"
  # music: || cloud-music || "#e60026"
  # weibo: || weibo || "#ea716e"
  # about: || address-card || "#3b5998"
  # email: || envelope || "#55acd5"
  # facebook: || facebook
  # stackoverflow: || stack-overflow
  # youtube: || youtube
  # instagram: || instagram
  # skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || skype
  # douban: || douban

To enable the corresponding social links, simply uncomment the respective line. For versions prior to v0.3.8, at least one link must be retained.


  keyname: link || logo || "color"
  • keyname: Valid and unique YAML key;
  • link: Social media link;
  • logo: Social media logo;
  • color: Social media logo color, optional (if not filled, uses font color);


You can choose left or right (position: right or position: left). The avatar file can be modified in the static file directory /source/_data/assets, like /source/_data/assets/avatar.jpg.

  position: right # left/right corresponds to left/right
  avatar: avatar.jpg

Big Title

alternate: "foo" # Site's big title (higher level than title, only displayed on index)

Bottom Settings


Enabling this displays random articles and recent comments at the bottom of the page.

  random_posts: true # Random articles
  recent_comments: true # Display recent comments

Word Count and Reading Time Stats

# Site-wide stats in footer
  since: 2010 # Start year
  count: true # Enable
# Post-specific stats
  count: true # Enable

Preloading, Address Resolution Settings

  # Addresses preloaded using preconnect (not recommended to exceed three)
    - ""
  # Addresses pre-resolved using dns-prefetch
    - ""
    - ""
Should I use preConnect or dnsPrefetch?

The preConnect option pre-connects to links, significantly accelerating the loading speed of CDN files/comment systems, but using too many can impact initial page performance.

dnsPrefetch is for cases where "pre-connect" isn't worth it; this mode only optimizes DNS resolution, suitable for some non-critical external links (e.g., ads and external videos).

SEO Optimization and Visitor Enhancement


  clarity: false
  baiduAnalytics: false
  googleAnalytics: false

For SEO, simply enter the verification code for the respective search engine (domain verification -> meta verification -> content of meta tags).

For visitor, enter the corresponding project's license code, typically found in JS files/script tags. For example, clarity is generally the fifth parameter in the function in JS code, while Baidu Analytics is the code after ?hm=.

Other Settings

Dark Mode

darkmode: true

 # true/false for on/off dark mode

By default, whether dark mode is enabled depends on (priority from high to low):

  • Visitor clicks on the header to choose
  • Browser settings for theme color
  • darkmode configuration



When enabled, the page will automatically scroll to the last viewed position upon reopening.

auto_scroll: false

Custom Website Title


Customize the title displayed after clicking and hiding the website. These configurations are modified in the /_source/_data/languages.yml file.

Detailed Steps
  • Within the Hexo root directory source folder;
  • Enter the _data directory (create if absent);
  • Create a file named languages.yml below;
  • Modify the website title when the favicon is shown and hidden for different languages.
# language
  # items
    show: 不负韶华
    hide: 以梦为马!

    show: 不负韶华
    hide: 以梦为马!

    show: 不负韶华
    hide: 以梦为马!

    show: 不负韶华
    hide: 以梦为马!

    show: 不负韶华
    hide: 以梦为马!
  • Save the file.

Image Customization

Custom Website Slideshow

  • Create an images.yml in the _data directory mentioned above;
  • Input slideshow images in the file to replace the default slideshow;
  • Similar to below, images can be hosted on image hosting platforms.

Since version 0.3.7, ShokaX allows different image sources for the homepage and articles: Files starting with _ are theme folder-specific, while others are in the source/_data directory:

  • images_index.yml is for the homepage image source. If _images_index.yml exists in the theme folder, it'll use that; otherwise, it'll use source/_data/images_index.yml.
  • images.yml is the general image source, acting as the fallback for the homepage and article image sources. If images.yml isn't found, it'll use _images.yml in the theme folder.
  1. Modify the site configuration: In the Hexo root directory /_config.yml, find category_map and configure the English mapping for each category.

  2. Set the directory for articles: /source/_posts is where articles are uploaded and saved.

    categories should be written according to the category_map and file sequence. For instance, if a file belongs to the directory 计算机科学/C++/郑莉老师C++语言程序设计, based on the mapping, in the _posts file path, it'll be under /source/_posts in /computer-science/cpp/course-1.

      - [计算机科学, C++, 郑莉老师C++语言程序设计]
  3. As shown in the image above, at the bottom of the file directory, include a cover.jpg file, which will serve as the image for the featured homepage. This will enable the "Featured Articles" and "Mouse Hover Flip" functionalities.

Experimental Features

Risk Warning

Experimental features are unstable, subject to potentially disruptive changes at any time, and some have noticeable side effects.

Long Article Optimization
  optimizeLongPosts: true # Enable long article optimization

When an article is very long (≥50,000 words), the FPS (Frames Per Second) on the article page drops to around 10 FPS. Devices with poor rendering performance may even experience freezes.

Lab data shows that at 20,000 words, FPS starts fluctuating, noticeable fluctuations start at 30,000 words, and at 50,000 words, the page is severely laggy. If the page contains a large number of Katex formulas, this issue becomes more severe.

This issue existed during the Shoka era, hence ShokaX introduces long article optimization, using content-visibility to drastically reduce the rendering range and significantly improve performance.

Lab data suggests this option can increase FPS from 10 to around 25 (4x CPU slowdown) and solve freezing issues. However, this feature presents Navbar Jitter and Progress Bar Jitter problems, potentially impacting browsing experience.

  • Navbar Jitter: The navbar repeatedly pops in and out during scrolling, for a short duration (usually not exceeding 1s).
  • Progress Bar Jitter: The text for returning to the top and the length of the scrollbar don't match the actual article length, with an error of ±1-5%.

The aforementioned issues are caused by window.scrollY jitter due to this method. If you have a solution, feel free to initiate a Pull Request.

In summary, the long article optimization feature is recommended only for articles exceeding 30,000 words or if the site primarily targets devices with poor rendering performance.