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theme-shokax-anime API

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theme-shokax-anime API

Available Partition: head api (Accessible on the frontend but requires script import)

Basic Usage


const defaultOptions = {
  targets: null,
  duration: Infinity,
  easing: "linear",
  delay: 0,
  begin: null,
  update: null,
  complete: null,


Used to construct an anime object


  • option: AnimeOptions: (Optional, defaults to defaultOptions) Configuration options

Return Type

  • Anime: Anime class containing prototype and instance methods


const animeInstance = anime({
  targets: document.getElementById("imgs"),
  duration: 1000,
  easing: "linear",
  delay: 0,
  opacity: 1,


Generates a random integer within a specified range


  • min: number: Minimum value for the random number
  • max: number: Maximum value for the random number

Return Type

  • number: Generated random number


Used to construct a timeline object from anime

Return Type

  • Timeline: Timeline object


const timelineInstance = anime().timeline();

Starts the animation

Return Type

  • void


  targets: document.getElementById("imgs"),
  duration: 1000,
  easing: "linear",
  delay: 0,
  opacity: 1,


Adds an animation to the timeline


  • option: AnimeOptions: (Optional, defaults to defaultOptions) Configuration options

Return Type

  • Timeline: Supports chaining


const timelineInstance = anime()
    targets: particles,
    duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    update: renderParticle,
    radius: 0.1,
    targets: circle,
    duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    update: renderParticle,
    radius: anime.random(80, 160),
    lineWidth: 0,

Starts the timeline animation

Return Type

  • void


    targets: particles,
    duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    update: renderParticle,
    radius: 0.1,
    targets: circle,
    duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    update: renderParticle,
    radius: anime.random(80, 160),
    lineWidth: 0,

Advanced Configuration


  • targets: any: (Optional) Animated object containing multiple optional types:

    • DOM Object

      targets: document.getElementById("imgs");
    • Simple Object

      targets: { x: 1, y: 2 }
    • Array

      targets: [
        { x: 1, y: 2 },
        { x: 2, y: 3 },
        { x: 3, y: 4 },
  • duration: number: (Optional) Duration of the animation in milliseconds

    • Regular animation

      duration: 1000;
    • Infinite animation

      duration: Infinity;
  • easing: string: (Optional) Type of animation, see EasingTypes

  • delay: number: (Optional) Delay before the animation starts in milliseconds

  • begin: (targets: any) => void: (Optional) Begin callback called before the animation starts

  • update: (targets: any) => void: (Optional) Update callback called after each update

  • complete: (targets: any) => void: (Optional) Complete callback called after the animation finishes

  • [index:string]:any: (Optional) Properties to be animated and their final values in the animated object, containing multiple optional types:

    • Basic type with only a final value

      lineWidth: 0;
    • Object type allowing further configuration for a single property

      alpha: {
          value: 0,   // Required final value
          easing: "linear",   // Type
          duration: anime.random(600, 800)    // Required duration
    • Array type with initial and final values

      x: [10, 20];
    • Keyframes allowing finer control

      x: [
        { value: 10, duration: 200 },
        { value: 20, duration: 400 },
    • Function type

      y: (item) => item.x;
    • Supports px and percentages

      x: '100%',
      y: '20px',
      z: ['0%', '100%']


type EasingTypes =
  | "linear"
  | "easeInSine"
  | "easeOutSine"
  | "easeInOutSine"
  | "easeOutInSine"
  | "easeInQuad"
  | "easeOutQuad"
  | "easeInOutQuad"
  | "easeOutInQuad"
  | ... // (more easing types)
  | "easeInOutBounce"
  | "easeOutInBounce";

Example (Excerpt from ShokaX)

// Create a circle
const circle = createCircle(x, y);
// Create an empty array to store firework particles
const particles = [];
// Loop to create firework particles
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++) {
  particles.push(createParticle(x, y));
// Create an anime.js timeline and add animations
    targets: particles,
    duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    update: (targets) => {
      for (const target of targets) {
    x: (p) => p.endPos.x,
    y: (p) => p.endPos.y,
    radius: 0.1,
    targets: circle,
    duration: anime.random(1200, 1800),
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    update: (targets

) => {
      for (const target of targets) {
    radius: anime.random(80, 160),
    lineWidth: 0,
    alpha: {
      value: 0,
      easing: "linear",
      duration: anime.random(600, 800),